Plea of Insanity website

HTML, CSS, Python, Django

Screenshot of plea website
GitHub Repo Live version

I built this site as the final project for my first coding bootcamp, Coding Dojo. It is a full CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application built using Django. The database is the SQLite database that comes with Django and I used Django's built-in ORM (Object Relational Mapper) to interact with the database. This site uses an authentication system (including data validations) that I was taught to build at Coding Dojo.

The public areas of the site include the Main page, which is a brief introduction to the band including photos of the band members, the Media page, which includes YouTube videos of live performances and widgets that link to Bandcamp and Spotify, as well as the Shows page which lists previous and upcoming live shows. There is also a Login / Register page which allows users to register and log in to the site. Logged in users are able to leave comments on individual shows on the Shows page as well as RSVP to upcoming shows. A logged in user also has access to the Edit User Info page where they can edit their name or email address as well as view or delete any comments they created.

This was the first site that I built. I spent the majority of my time with this site getting the interactions with the database working correctly. Looking back at it now I feel that the frontend makes it look dated, like a website from the late 1990s. Comparing the frontend of this site with the frontend of my second site, the journal app, and the frontend of my most recent site, the workout tracker, really shows how my frontend skills have grown.